Sunday 22 July 2012

Woodland retreat.

A romantic weekend away in the woods, what could go wrong? A Beastman raid, that's what could go wrong...

With the start of the summer holidays delivering my 'little darlings' into my whole day, everyday and working on items for other people, I've not had much time to work on my Empire :( I've got another of the unit fillers about 60% done but not much else. I have got a little work done however today as shown below and I've also ordered the bulk of what I want for the army. This includes....

Markus Wulfhart... not read his rules yet but his fluff places him firmly beast hunting in the Drakwald so his inclusion was a no-brainer really, I also have a unit of huntsmen on the way to act as his merry band.

An amber mage, the new model is lovely and a practitioner of the lore of beasts fits rather nicely with the theme. I had considered a fire mage to burn the beasts out or a master of the lore of life to bring good, strong, pure life into the dark forest but the new finecast model really tipped it for me. I may include one of the others later if the army grows beyond what I need for a standard game.

A battalion box, to give me the bodies to finish the 50 strong halberdier unit and provide one of its detachments in the form of some crossbowmen. Not sure if I'm going to use the knights or not, but if I do I'll be converting them to Knights of the white wolf as Middenheim is close to the forest and the wolf pelted, hammer wielding templars of Ulric fit the theme better than some of the more 'shiny' knightly orders.

I've also got a free company box to act as the second detachment for the Halberiders who will be dubbed the 'Biendorf irregulars'.

An old warrior priest I had kept from when I used to play empire rounds out the current bunch and will add some real punch to the halberdiers.

My army book is coming along with most of the above some time in the next week so I can finally get some list ideas together!

Well after that wall of text I think you all deserve some pretty pictures! Not a miniature for the army per say but related none the less, I'll be adding both Men of the Empire and Beastmen to this, a few of each fighting over the piece to add some interest. Well onwards with the pictures!

You can also see the base for my Hellblaster, The "ex-wife" here, which is ready for paint as soon as the glue drys.

I have some work left to do on the tower/forest, a few stray mould lines and gap filling mostly, plus the figures for the beastmen attackers and the watch posts defenders.

Well, thank you all for reading and as ever I wish you happy gaming!

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