Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Animal Magnetism

Hello all,

I hope you day is cooler than mine its predicted to reach 30 degrees Celsius, so I think I may just melt... :(

On a brighter note the bits for my movement trays have arrived! And their Kung Fu is strong. . .

So strong infact that I can now play games with my halberdiers on the side of the fridge if I really want :P

With the models thus far arrived built and magnets added its more painting for now. You can see some progress on the trees below. And I've started on the movement tray itself with some wooden edging, the plastic edging behind it will be blended with mud and dead leaves to match in with the bases of the figures.

So just a quicky as I'm still waiting for my mail order but progress none the less and will hopefully have all the unit fillers completed and most of the halberiders well on there way this week.

As ever thanks for reading and happy gaming!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Woodland retreat.

A romantic weekend away in the woods, what could go wrong? A Beastman raid, that's what could go wrong...

With the start of the summer holidays delivering my 'little darlings' into my whole day, everyday and working on items for other people, I've not had much time to work on my Empire :( I've got another of the unit fillers about 60% done but not much else. I have got a little work done however today as shown below and I've also ordered the bulk of what I want for the army. This includes....

Markus Wulfhart... not read his rules yet but his fluff places him firmly beast hunting in the Drakwald so his inclusion was a no-brainer really, I also have a unit of huntsmen on the way to act as his merry band.

An amber mage, the new model is lovely and a practitioner of the lore of beasts fits rather nicely with the theme. I had considered a fire mage to burn the beasts out or a master of the lore of life to bring good, strong, pure life into the dark forest but the new finecast model really tipped it for me. I may include one of the others later if the army grows beyond what I need for a standard game.

A battalion box, to give me the bodies to finish the 50 strong halberdier unit and provide one of its detachments in the form of some crossbowmen. Not sure if I'm going to use the knights or not, but if I do I'll be converting them to Knights of the white wolf as Middenheim is close to the forest and the wolf pelted, hammer wielding templars of Ulric fit the theme better than some of the more 'shiny' knightly orders.

I've also got a free company box to act as the second detachment for the Halberiders who will be dubbed the 'Biendorf irregulars'.

An old warrior priest I had kept from when I used to play empire rounds out the current bunch and will add some real punch to the halberdiers.

My army book is coming along with most of the above some time in the next week so I can finally get some list ideas together!

Well after that wall of text I think you all deserve some pretty pictures! Not a miniature for the army per say but related none the less, I'll be adding both Men of the Empire and Beastmen to this, a few of each fighting over the piece to add some interest. Well onwards with the pictures!

You can also see the base for my Hellblaster, The "ex-wife" here, which is ready for paint as soon as the glue drys.

I have some work left to do on the tower/forest, a few stray mould lines and gap filling mostly, plus the figures for the beastmen attackers and the watch posts defenders.

Well, thank you all for reading and as ever I wish you happy gaming!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Diorama in the woods.

Although not totally finished yet I'm off out for the evening so I thought I'd throw up some pics of the first unit filler that is nearly complete along with a few wip shots along the way. The two halberdiers fighting over the dead gor still need all the highlighting done but they are nearly there!

I do however have a choice to make that I could use a few opinions on... should I let it snow? I can't decide whether to add snow or not, if I do it will be a light dusting, mostly in the branches of the trees and a little on the ground in patches. The little greenstuff holes that you can see on allot of the slots are there to create a water tight seal for some water effects to create a few puddles.

So.. to snow or not to snow?

Well after all that text, some pictures!




 Thank you for reading and happy gaming!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Just a quicky in the woods

Some work done to reposition the Gor to look a little more dead and I've started to build up the mud.

And a little work in progress while I wait for the washes to dry.

Thanks for reading

Sunday, 8 July 2012

The Drakwald hath no fury....

I present "The ex-wife", a machine that spits hot lead and could blow up in your face at any moment.

Some detailing to be done and joins cleaned up (the tree). The wounds on the downed beastmen need finishing but the basic shape is there.

A little work done to the halberdiers,  added a few men but my local store has run out of state troops! But that did give me an excuse to start work on the Ex-wife so its not all bad! And finally a group shot of the units so far.

Thank you for reading and happy gaming!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Out of the Drakwald and into the fire.

I've just finished reading Chris Wraight's sword of Justice (An extract from which is available HERE). Although the events of the book largely revolve around Averland it begins with an army fighting the Beastmen in the Drakwald forest. I really liked the idea of the men of the empire and the beasts rushing through the trees not knowing entirely where the enemy is, with short bloody encounters coming as a result.

And so.... I have begun an Empire army that will be themed around fighting the Beastmen deep in the Drakwald forest. The plan is to include scenic bases and unit fillers that will really set the scene.

And so to Start, I present the 27th Reikland Halberdiers out of OsBurg. Well the beginnings of them at least, I'm planning to build this unit up to a horde of 50 men. (Well 50 bases worth anyway probably around 35 men)

Part of the reason I've chosen Reikland for this regiment is the creams, whites and browns that are prevalent in the states colours, these should work well with the dark browns and greens of the forest and the Beastmen that will also be appearing on the unit fillers. Furthermore the creams and browns are more business like and less garish than some of the other state colours.

I'm thoroughly enjoying this so far and although there is plenty left to do to the above before they can be painted (State troops have an insane amount of mould lines) I should have the whole unit built in short order.

As always thank you for reading, happy gaming and good hunting!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Honorare Cohortis, Blood Angels

So after much procrastination I finally have some more work done on my honor guard. There are still a few things to do but nearly there!

And finally a shot with the honor guard's charge, Lord Zedrenael

Thanks for reading and good hunting.