Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Cry Havoc

This is the beginnings of what will be a unit of 5 havocs, champion and four missile launchers. The champion is much advanced compared to the rest of the unit as getting hold of missile launchers at a good rate is hard work.

Anyway, this is the champion nearly done with the rest to follow (hopefully) in short order.


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

A blinding light...

...fades to reveal carnage. A host of daemonic entities, rending with claws energised by daemon fire, come from a nightmare realm to rend the souls of the living.

Bar one aspiring champion these friendly chaps are the last of my CSM to be going on sale.

There are plenty of Wolves on Fenris. . .

And so it came to pass that in the 15th year of my great company I have finally finished painting a unit that I'm happy with. . .

My Wolves are by far my largest army and yet have never received the painting attention that such fine warriors deserve. This year we plan to rectify that :D

So the first complete unit.....

And the second unit which is currently sitting with the basecoat drying on the armour. Shown here pre basecoat, I am painting this unit for the 'winter's advance' painting vow running in the Space Wolf section of Here.

So the plan then is to get at least one unit done a month hopefully more.

Thanks for reading

Friday, 4 January 2013

Death guard my ride.

The first transport is complete for the ongoing death guard project bringing the total so far up to, 7 plague marines with  a dedicated transport and Tyhpus. I'll add some group shots as the project grows.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

We bear his gifts to the living.

The gift of eternal rot that is, the Grandfather is most generous with his gifts. . .

Another unit headed to Ebay, I'm finally starting to clear the montain of models on my painting desk :D


Chariots of fire. . .

. . . well of bone at least.... The first unit to be completed for my final tomb kings clearout with 9 more chariots, a magnetised war/necro sphinx and a unit of necropolis knights to come, and then to goto ebay.
