Sunday, 28 October 2012

Apotheosis of Iron, advance of the plague

Well a new post and a new project!

Rot within, Iron without
An Iron warriors Daemon Prince with a subtle Nurgle twist, still plenty of building and tidying up to be done including plenty of armour as befits an Iron warrior. Choice of head is first on the list once everything that has been done so far is dry and solid.

Reaching an apotheosis rather deserves a striking and suitably Nurgle base, a rocky formation over a stagnant pool that the Nurglings are using to take a dip.

The mkII strain of plaguebrute is coming along with the skin nearly finished here and the armour based, unfortunately not great light and the camera hasn't picked up the different tones in the yellow to well so I'll have to get the lamps out and hope for some clear weather tomorrow to get the best lighting.


Sunday, 21 October 2012

The MKII approaches paint.

Well as the title suggests the MKII plague brute is pretty much ready for paint :D Just waiting for the last of the greenstuff to dry and then onto the base coat.

Added a few minor details after these pictures where taken but mostly just blending the Nurgling into his back


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Plague fist

A very brief post with pictures taken in bad light. I do spoil you right? This particular post is directed to one set of eyes in particular but what do we think, decayed enough?


Sunday, 14 October 2012

The new mutated strain progresses

Greetings and welcome to another post extolling the virtues of the bounty of Nurgle!

First up the new strain of Plaguebrute is coming along, although I need some bits from the plague bearer sprues to finish him.

'Crazed' a fun special rule but what would drive a man machine like this crazy? Well maggots eating into your shoulder seemed like a good start!

 Once I've picked up those plague bearers one of the spare Nurglings is going to be poking his head out of this rip in the beasts back.

 I've added extra piping with a ridged almost bony texture to pump those lovely toxins around the body more efficiently and to give this strain a different profile to the first.

 The banner pole is now held in with a cluster of boils ready to rupture on any unfortunate that gets close enough,

I'm also working on some less Nurgle CSM which I will get some pics of soon.

Thanks and happy gaming

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A new strain...

Just a quicky, a new strain of pappa Nurgles love has broken loose. From the rabid mind of one Mr Jones comes the twin linked eyeball lascannon, oh yeah!


Friday, 5 October 2012

The final horror of the plague

Just a quicky, I finally got round to finishing and photographing the 'plaguebrute'.

Please vote on this bad boy on cool mini or not HERE might be alittle while before its visible on the site tho. 
